Tonight, as I left TJ's with my groceries it HIT me.
"Write it tonight." So here goes.
Planks and splinters are EVERYWHERE.
In YOUR eye I SEE a big old plank...
and in MY eye... ha - there, what do I see?
a tiny splinter.
- The truth is this:
In MY eye is a giant, ge-normous BEAM.
And it blinds me - all the time it blinds me.
And really in your eye what I should realize and see is a teeny, tiny, ever so teensy splinter.
In other words....
What I SEE in others and think is so dirty, so bad and so disrespectful and so immature and so wrong, so evil, rude, pompous, and prideful.....
It is absolutely NOTHING compared to what my own real stumblings, mistakes, judgements, prides, attitudes, frustrations, and angsts are.
See, I see others and see all this stuff that is just well, frankly, bothersome and crap. But really, I am the one with the problem.
It shouldn't really matter what is in anyone else's heart or what they are doing, what does matter is what is in my heart and what I am doing. (No don't start protesting here, don't start quoting stuff in your head... about the heart or other people's actions and choices... read on, get the whole thought)...
The thing that matters, I think, the very most is this:
Can I, will I, ask God to show me what HE sees when he looks at the person that I THINK has a plank in their eye? OR am I just too busy staring at the perceived by me plank in their eye to do that?
Am I so sure that what is in my eye is a splinter is so teeny, tiny, ever so teensy? - I mean really... am I?
When I was about eight years old we were attending this church. A church of brick with nice people and a little class for kids my age. I liked it. I learned stuff. We had this workbook and every week we would hear a story and then look in the workbook and see a small illustration of the story and then, I am sure - fill in the blanks, cause when you were eight back then that is how you participated.
So anyway, there was one week where the picture showed these drawings... stick sort of persons that were mostly HEAD. Two of them.
Coming out of one of the head's EYES was a giant, I mean a ge-normous PLANK. BOOM! They had my attention! The plank head was just looking and staring and fixated on the teeny splinter in the other head's eye. And plank head was frowning and had his arms crossed and was all judgmental and squinty eyed.
That picture totally mesmerized me. I kept looking and looking at it. I asked the teacher if I could take the workbook home, I wanted to show it to my parents, but the answer was no. Cause back then, you left your workbooks in the room. period.
OK SO....I just
kept staring at the picture and there and then I experienced a moment of understanding and change.
I made a decision.
I went home that day and I just had a different view.
I STILL sometimes (a lot of times) thought/think
ha, ha, ha I ONLY had/have a splinter in my eye...
I was/am WRONG.
I always had, have and will have here on earth a ge-normous PLANK in my eye - and I better be doggone sure that I am working on getting it out of my eye, cause it blinds me...
- I NEED A CRANE, A CHAIN SAW, A GIANT PAIR OF PLIERS, A CROWBAR, a something, some tool that will do the job and I need to use it on my own PLANK.
Not anyone else's... splinter.
I am NOT trying to sound self-righteous or perfect because I AM SO NOT ... SO NOT.
But tonight, like other times I have blogged, I just felt so very COMPELLED to write and I had to write and share this weak and sad part of me.
May I always when in my own stumblings, mistakes, judgements, frustrations, and angsts STOP myself and ask...
please show me how to change... in fact, change me.
AND, secondly,
Instead of seeing another person's stumblings, mistakes, judgements, frustrations, and angsts AND dirty, bad and disrespectful and immature and wrong, evil, rude, pompous, and prideful STUFF,
"if what you see by the eye doesn't please you
then close your eyes and see from the heart.
Because the heart can see beauty and love
more that the eyes can ever wonder." - Unknown
I thank you for sharing! I worry, more often than not, about what others think about me and my 'ways' from who I was to who I am now. I know God tells me not to worry, but I do. So, I appreciate that you share your desire to change and will look at ME with your heart ... and I can know that I will smile back.
Laura, for the record... I never have thought about who you were again after you shared so many years ago. I so appreciate the choice you made for the kids. You are a special woman! lz
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