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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Kefir, Kefir, Kefir

My newest healthy thing.... and one I will never leave Kefir. I used to drink it when I lived in Northern California. It was so hard to find though - you know those were the days when health foods were looked down upon and there was no such thing as a health food store. People that grew their own stuff were considered out of the mainstream and raw milk was impossible to find.... unless you bought Alta Dena and people were getting sick from it.
With the economy bottoming out and people waking up to what is local I am excited to suddenly find healthy food available in abundance. My next quest is to find raw, unpasteurized milk from a small farmer and make my own kefir. Check out this article and actually the whole site. You won't be disappointed!

Health benefits abound... including it is wonderful for lactose intolerant people. The health benefits list is so long that you should just copy and past this into your browser -

You will be amazed - Oh and if you have a source of raw, unpasteurized milk that you trust, get some kefir grains and make your own!

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