
Word-i-Ness/Read Mine. Share Yours.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Something Similar*

I was having dinner with friends recently - one of those spontaneous, "Do you want to stay for supper... and share our leftovers?", dinners.... Love those kind of invites (and they were really good leftovers too).

Like all spontaneous times it turned into one filled with rollicking conversation, which in turn got me mulling - 

 - Friend, that shall remain unnamed, had an idea for a blog.... You Are Not Your Checkbook ..... or Something Similar. 
*Hence the title of this post. 

Friend's point being, "There are a lot of people living in America right now that are very challenged by their situations and are in places they never thought they would be." (sort of an actual quote)

Friend was relating how so many have taken huge blows to their financial situations through the 2008 economic crisis, oh and 2009, and 2010, and wait a minute, good golly no wonder people are a little freaked, the 2011 economic crisis; that makes it the economic crisis that never stops or something. Right?

2008-2011 results: lost savings, closed businesses, revealed lack of 'some' people's business integrity, loss of jobs/ahem - hand up on that last one.

My friends surprised me that evening, I really don't remember that I was worried or concerned or voicing  "what I will do next" but they were so very supportive... brainstorming ways for me to make money without really working or some such silliness... Oh that there were a way! Wait, is there a way? If you know, tell me quick! 

Friend said, "You should blog on this topic I brought up and it should have a spiritual side to it because a lot of  people are despairing over their checkbooks, over their lives." 

So this  little mass of words is that attempt. And this post is dedicated to you, Friend.

Maybe I should be worried, but I am not. The facts, as I see them, are that this is not the end. 
And if it is not the end then we have, can choose, hope - 
Most probably most of us have a tomorrow. (I mean no horror there but the bottom line is we don't know when we will draw our last earthly bodily breath.) 
    - And if we don't have an earthly tomorrow 
                 - then we can know what is Next and embrace it 
                          - and breathe deeply and lift our hands in praise.

So in this little mass of words, in this my next earthly chapter; this is what I have come up with so far ~~~

I cannot tell you what to do. 

But I can tell myself what to do. 

And share it with you. 

Note to Self in Midst of New Chapter in Life; do These Things
1. Turn on music often.
2. Breathe deeply often.
3. Search your heart diligently and discover what your real desires and hopes are. Often.
4. Think about what it would mean to realize those desires and hopes. Get a plan.
5. Enjoy this period of time, it is a gift. Discover.
6. Search diligently and repeatedly, meditate, pray and seek. Activate plan.
7. Smile at people you don't know. All the time.
8. Cook for your friends. They will love it and so will you.
9. Apply for positions with regularity. Don't despair.
10. Notice Stuff. All the time.

 And now for your viewing pleasure (and mine again)...  

One of my moments practicing  - Number 10. Notice Stuff -

     Setting the Scene -
I was writing this post, suddenly, really it was suddenly, I looked up and immediately leaped (I wanted to write leapt, but spell check didn't like it so I succumbed to leaped) out of my desk chair (stop it, I know you are laughing as you picture that), grabbed the camera, ran outside, ripped off the lens cap and.... I just had to. Here is why.... 

All tonight, in that order, night sky coming on. Breathed deeply, yes I did. 

And then this happened ~~~~

And this is what I thought just then, "Sun going down to greet someone on the other side of the world."
To greet someone on the other side of the world
Someone who is struggling with who knows what.

And that thought, dear reader gave me my numbers 11 and 12.

11. Remember, don't forget, remind yourself, we are all in this together. 
12. Push back, get outside your own despairing head, it is a dangerous place to dwell, live your life today, it is your today.

Thanks Friend and Friend's spouse - you rock. And next time, I will make the salad.