
Word-i-Ness/Read Mine. Share Yours.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Favorite Things -

I am in a "pick up your heart and brain and appreciate everything about life" mode. What? Rolling your eyes, are you? I saw that. Well it works for me.
So there. And here goes.

I like...

Listening. To my kids - John and Meg and Andy and grand Rockford. To other people.
Conclusion on this thought: I like to listen, mostly.

Hearing and Moving to: MUSIC. Van Morrison, Mark Knopfler, Bonnie Raitt, Joni Mitchell, Emmy Lou Harris, Dire Straits, Lyle Lovett, Paul Simon, Carole King, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, Eva Cassidy.
That is just a start.
Do NOT ask me to put them in order of LIKE.

Discovering. Anything. Especially if something new.. Meaning I forget I know about some things. Meaning I am often easily delighted.
Ha. Ha. I know that is what you were doing just then. Laughing at me. That is just fine.

Because another thing on this list is...
Laughing. Hearing it. Doing it. Causing it.

Remembering. What I forgot. What it was like to be a young mom. And memories in general. They are so sweet. Especially the good ones. The others... pfft, they are OVER.

Breathing. In crisp, cold, fresh air. And I like breathing in general as well. I find it important to daily life.

Looking. At African Violets. Up into the trees. Across an expansive valley. At anything Yosemite. At Rockford. The Sky - daytime, nighttime, any weather, anytime.

Watching. Trees sway. The staid and solitary 'praying mantis'. Ladybugs. Bees. Owls. Flowers nodding. Birds as they take flight. Birds landing. Birds watching the world around them. Birds hopping. Birds in the birdbath. (Someday I will blog you my history with birds. You will be amazed. And my 'praying mantis' story is a good one too.)

Smelling. Hay. Fresh cut grass. Rain. Spices. Herbs. Roses. Lavender - Big, huge, bunches of it. Indian food. Thai food. Italian food. BBQ'd chicken, beef, lamb, fish. Strawberries. Peaches.

Good golly that must mean I like to....
Taste. Indian food. Thai food. Italian food. BBQ'd chicken, beef, lamb, fish. Strawberries. Peaches. Foods that call for lavender in the recipe.

Speculating. Which can get me into trouble. BUT LISTEN. Sometimes it is the way to think something through and assess to bring decision.

Touching. Lots of things. Soft things. Animals. A gentle touch to someone's shoulder. Rockford's cheeks. Velvet. Hay. Vegetables... as I pick them warm from the sun, from a garden.

Ignoring. Pompous people.
And Mistakes people make. Which leads to - appreciating them for who they are.

I could, if I chose to, go on.
But I won't. Cause I am betting you are getting a little bored with this post.

So stop thinking about ME and tell me about you.
Where is your heart and brain? What's your list look like. Think it out, do it, go to Comment.


Diane D. Ramirez said...

I with you . . . except for the lavender!

m. christine weber said...

Beautiful thoughts :-). Beautiful post :-). You've got me looking at today a little differently...