Rather horrifying to see that I posted only once in
2015 - Love to write and time hasn't been my friend. But now there are changes
afoot and time is being held out to me, on a giant platter. Let's see what we
can accomplish.
I'm told I am such a
young ** year old and I think so too but this past Thanksgiving I experienced
an accident with a "sneaker wave" that admittedly through me for a
loop, and literally to the ground. Those of us that experienced that situation
and those that love us and found out after the fact are all glad we survived.
The injury to my body was localized and painful and slowed me down considerably
for a bit of time - happy am I so many months later to have regained my energy
and the ability to experience almost total recovery. Thank you. I look forward
to the recovery being tweaked it's last little bit. Hurrah for healing and
Now the newest is
that I am seeking my next chapter in the work world. Seeking now a gentler
work-scape with the joy of meeting new people and sharing laughter throughout
the day. I've spent a lot of my adult life working very long hours and it's
time for that to change. How? What will that be? That is the question. For now,
I'm taking a deep breath and doing some thinking and research and decisions
will come...it will be interesting and fun to see where I land and how the door
For now I am happy
that I am living in the city I want to be in and being able to influence a
certain little man with love and attention.I'm meeting new people reconnecting
with friends from long ago and not so long ago. I know my city a bit better, I
have two favorite coffee shops, enjoy water aerobics and picking up a cooking
workshop when I find one... who knows what else is around the corner - Oh
and a satisfying, albeit tiny, little thing... It's nice to not have to use the GPS to get any and
everywhere. ;)
And those coffee shops... Fillmore and Fleur de Lis
And those coffee shops... Fillmore and Fleur de Lis
Here's a shot from another favorite spot, Forest Park.... hiking in the city. Perfect.